Tuesday 12 August 2008

Cosmic Ordering

Cosmic ordering is all about asking the Cosmos, the universe for what you want in your life. Use affirmations, write on a piece of paper, whatever gets the thoughts from inside of your head to write or speak them outside of your thoughts. we can choose the signs for us to notice when the time is right to look out for the universe setting those changes in place. Cosmic Ordering is a fantastic psychological tool, to focus the mind, and focus your energy on specific goals, and brings to you the energy in the universe to get behind us, and help us achieve our aims.You can ask for anything you want! But beware! Always make sure that what you wish for is what you want, and be specific! If you ask for general things, like a new love, then that new love could come in any form, really any form! And that's not necessarily what you want!So if you want a new love, be specific. Choose what traits you want in their character, and ensure you specify that they are free and available, and not already attached to someone else!

Crystal Power

There are a lot of people who think that crystals have power. They don't. They have amplifying, absorbing and other properties or functions for the advanced healer and a clairvoyant channel. Crystals are only tools which extend the power of intent of the healer and a medium.
We all have our own life/energy force, and we have energy points called chakras. We have seven major chakras, each has a specific function, when we're tired, stressed, unwell or depressed our chakras can slow down or even stop working (which really isn't that uncommon in the stressful society that we are a part of). Crystals are used by healers to help realign chakras, they can assist the healing process, and can be programmed for particular jobs.
Crystals have their own frequency/energy. Rose Quartz is a specific nurturing energy, A mother/love stone. If when you feel down you were to hold a cleansed Rose Quartz you will begin to harmonise with the frequency of the crystal, and absorb the feelings (frequency) of love and care into your aura.
Crystals are wonderful gifts from the earth, to help us and aid us in our well being. There are numerous sites regarding crystals and the usage of. Have fun learning about them and using them.
In time we will be adding pages of good links regarding crystals so keep checking back


Goodness what a subject to try and explain. In very basic terms this is about researching demons and evil entities that supposedly inhabit our world at some point or another. Since time began man has in some shape or another depicted the negative or evil types of energies etc into a demonic type of generalisations. But it was when the church really took over it influenced many cultures even manipulated to an extent what we would perceive as demons and they installed that they were the devils spawn and all that type of stuff.
An interesting and brilliant subject to study whatever your religious affiliation.


What is dowsing?
The ability to find people, artefacts or substances by use of maps, pictures or physically being in a place are currently the most popular applications of Dowsing.
Most dowsers use two 'dowsing rods' and/or a pendulum. The rods, traditionally known as 'Wishing Rods', are formed into an L shape and are usually made of copper although the oldest known material was wood, usually forked Hazel branches along with Apple, Beech and Alder. (It is said that metal coat hangers work just as well!). One rod is held in each hand and you have located what it is you are looking for when the rods cross.
When using a pendulum most people weight the line with a crystal, or heavy weight. The important thing seems to be the length of the line which the pendulum swings on. It is important to understand just like scrying, the power comes from within. The rods/pendulums are simply a focus, somewhere to allow your own ability to project to!
Dowsing is reported to date back approximately 7000 years but origins are still unknown. It is accepted, however, that the Egyptians used images of forked rods in some of their artwork as did the Ancient Chinese kings. In Europe, it was known for dowsing to be used in the middle Ages to find coal deposits. Since this time people have dowsed for everything from lost objects to missing people, some of them are reported to be very accurate although the scientific community as a whole have yet to decide if they support or refute this ability.